Monday 19 January 2009


some pages from my diary of London when i was making the postcards. rather than be a strict diary i made it more into a scrap book and wrote notes and doodles over stuck-in images.

a few pages from my assemblage folder. i glued together 3 ringbinders and covered them in scraps of vintage material, night club flyers, gig tickets, receipts and broken things from my room, like headphones. i love collages and being able to add things as i go so it says alot about me. inside i have clear folders to store things in. a card i was given from a girl whos phone i found on the DLR and traced it back to her. she was so grateful and gave me a fiver. in the card she put ''i didnt think there were many honest people around anymore'' which was so nice to read. i believe in karma so that made me smile. i also have a Captain America comic i got from a comic store in LA when i met Stan Lee. ive used this project as a scrapbook of my life.

i collect envelopes addressed to me, because i get alot of stuff off amazon and ebay and like seeing peoples handwriting, or how they package things. its a bit wierd. but i had alot in my room so wondered how i could make them into something else im interested in. and as i enjoy making costumes i thought a Self-Addressed Dress would be quite fun. its held together with packing tape and staples, and its made with the same pattern as a proper dress, but is card.

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