Saturday 18 October 2008

Assemblage Project

we've been given a project to collect literally anything that represents me and my world. any media, found objects, collections, text, anything that inspires me.
i didnt want to limit myself in a sketchbook as you are restricted by size, so while i decide on a medium to represent myself through the things ive gathered ive decided to make a dress with envelopes.
for some reason i never throw away envelopes. the first i saved was from my grandad, he has beautiful script handwriting and i like the sentimental value. but after that any package from Amazon, ebay, the bank or uni has been stored away. most are still back in MK but in the last couple of weeks at uni ive got alot of stuff off ebay and amazon so wanted to make something with them.

i love vintage clothing and the 50s pin-up shiloette so have made a rockabilly style mini dress using packing materials and bubblewrap.

its only a start to this project, but already i'm feeling more motivated to complete this. as at first i was a little confused.

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